Keep SUNY Brockport in the Game | SUNY Brockport

Due to many COVID-19 outbreaks at SUNY campuses. SUNY was forced to create new policies that gave consequences to students-athletes not following the CDC guidelines of social distancing, hand washing and mask wearing. After seeing recent Brockport video work, SUNY asked us to come up with a campaign that would be launched with the new policies. #SUNYintheGame was born along with a video/script template for other SUNY schools to follow.


Forever Dancing | SUNY Brockport

Brockport’s Men’s Basketball team made it to the final four in the NCAA DIII March Madness tournament. The playoff run was stopped short due to the 2020 corona virus pandemic. This piece was intended to be a hype video for the team and community as they entered their next game but was later repurposed as a season wrap up video.


DO MASKS Work? | SUNY Brockport

I was assigned to come up with a PSA that students will be required to wear masks for the 2020 fall semester to help stop the spread of Covid-19. With masks being very political at the time of the announcement I thought the message would have more value and be more sharable if we conducted an experiment with our microbiologists on campus. After gaining traction on Instagram, the video was shared by NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo in his daily Covid-19 newsletter.


PRedator in BLue | LYman Films

400k+ Views | 1.4k Shares

Batavia Daily News reached out to me with an investigative story they were close to launching. They inquired about a promotional video for the printed piece. After a week of filming and editing this is the product they received. A week after launch, the video had a combined 100k views over two posts.

“That’s like NBC Dateline material.” - Radio 9.51

First Place | Best Use of Video | NYPA, 2018 Better Newspaper Contest



1,300,000+ Views

Nick Anderson, lead singer of The Wrecks, called me two days before Christmas in 2019 with a crazy high school musical concept for his new song Fvck Somebody. He wanted to know if I would be free to shoot and edit the video. Fvck yeah I was! So we met Christmas night to finalize and create the storyboard. We gathered a slough of volunteers that helped us with cardboard cut outs, the dance, location scouting and costume design to be ready for shooting in 72 hours. With only 7 hours to shoot and zero dress rehearsal, the crew, local kids with apparently nothing to do during the holidays, were able to pull off this viral hit.


OutSIde Of Ordinary | ALfred University

30k Views | 374 shares

Alfred University’s 2018 official re-brand launch video, with all new brand messaging and tagline. This piece was widely accepted and aided AU in getting the community behind the new, brand identity.


A look back: 1979 International Special Olympics | The College at Brockport

32k+ Views | 498 Shares

Imagine living in a small town and for one week the most well recognized actors, athletes, politicians and a combine 200,000 spectators were all going to visit. In 1979, it happened and the television lens was focused on Brockport and the magic of the 5th International Special Olympics.

Award of Excellence | Online Video Category | 2020 Rochester Chapter's annual PRism Awards



A few weeks into the 2020 coronavirus pandemic there was a lot of uncertainty. #SUNYTogether was an initiative to send a message to the Brockport community that though the pandemic made times challenging, they could get through it together. A 60 second version was also made for commercial in the greater Rochester area.


Forever Call Brockport Your Home | SUNY BROCKPORT

Open houses are important events for college’s. A majority students decide the institution they will attend based off of these visits. Students at Brockport have told us that they chose Brockport over other institutions simply because they attended our open houses and immediately felt at home. Forever Call Brockport Your Home is the first formal content prospective students see when they arrive at SUNY Brockport.


Saxon FootBall HomeComing | Alfred University


A video recap of the energy, excitement and triumph that was on display at the 2018 Saxon Football Homecoming game.


BPORT HOMECOMING & FAmily Weekend | The College At Brockport

The 2019 Homecoming and Family Weekend video. Highlights the excitement and traditions at The College at Brockport


Welcome to the Family | Alfred University

This video was created to be shown at the introduction of accepted students days at Alfred University. It is also sent out to students and parents who are unable to attend.


Come Home Already | The College at Brockport

6k Views | 82 shares

For nearly three months out of the year Brockport’s campus is empty. The students are gone along with the buzz and energy that they bring. Filming an empty college during the summer months can be dreary. “Come Home Already” utilizes these scenes to get current and prospective students excited to comeback.


2019 Commencement Highlights | The College at Brockport

20k+ Views | 141 shares

After being hired in May of 2019 at The College at Brockport, capturing highlights of commencement was my first piece with the college.


Friends Adopted From China Reunite at Camp for Visually Impaired

Two boys were once roommates in a Chinese foster home for the visually impaired, before being adopted by two American families. Three years later, they reunited. A reunion, at Brockport, during Camp Abilities — a week-long sports camp for kids with visual impairments


Going no. 2 | Zach LYman

SUNYWIDE FILM Festival 2016 | Fiction Finalist

“Going No. 2” was a project that wasn’t supposed to happen. A professor in a script writing class once told me, “comedy is hard enough for professionals to write let alone Juniors in college.” We were forbidden to try comedy in that class. So I didn’t. Instead, I took it upon myself to prove that I could. With the submission deadline for the SUNYWIDE Film Festival two weeks away, I wrote, filmed and edited a light, comedy short about an OCD student and a menacing pencil. Out of 200 plus submissions, I was one of eight finalists. This is one of my prouder moments as a filmmaker, as I was the only one to represent my college in the SUNYWIDE Film Festival that year.


Holiday Video 2017 | Alfred University


Jimmy Fallon’s Wonderful Christmas Time video, was the inspiration for my first AU holiday video. The only issue being my lack of history or experience in recording and producing music! Vocalists of all skill levels were invited to sing their best version of Jingle Bells. Even our president and mascot, L’il Alf, made an appearance. The community loved it and it set us up to try bigger things the following year. Fun fact: From producing the instrumental and each tile needing custom creation, positioning and animating, This was a tedious 60 hour edit. Let’s just say, I’ve heard Jingle Bells more than people would hear in 10 life times.